Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Contest #1--First Fees and Facts

I just read the reunion letter and I am exhausted.  That's too much reading for one year.  

Oh, get over it and get on with it.  Some text that much in the first quarter of a football game.

Here is the real question:  Did you catch the earn money towards the reunion contest?  If not, here it is:

 I will contribute $10 towards your housing costs for the first 3 Registration Fees received before 1 December 2016 if you also can tell me the significance of the date on the letterhead and the full names of the two people responsible for that date.  I will go by the postmarked date on your envelope to determine sequence.  USPS registration only for this incentive.  More ways to earn something towards your bill later on..

Some restrictions apply.

1.  Not redeemable for cash or other application (e.g. tee shirt cost).
2.  In case of ties, the distance traveled by the letter will be the tie breakers.

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